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Swissinv24 Review

You can read our Swissinv24 review to see if we recommend this broker trade. To dispel doubts.

Who are they?

After actually visiting their website, they do not fall under any regulatory body. Also, this is a major red flag !! We understand that this should be enough for you not to invest in them. It also works with websites that offer “automated trading software,” another red flag. However, such websites are notoriously notorious for scamming schemes.

So Swissinv24 is another unregulated forex broker, which means clients are not secure. Most likely, they will take away your hard-earned money and have no regulatory body to hold them accountable.

How Does It work?

However, unregulated forex brokers work in the following ways. At first, they would call on people to agree to an initial minimum deposit when trying any viable method that could happen.

Also, they will offer deals that look good to be true, such as we’ll double your initial deposit, or you’ll quickly earn $ 100 per day. Please don’t read what they say !!!

We know this is a scam! After making the initial deposit, people are transferred to an intelligent scammer called a “retention agent”—also those who will try to extract more money from you.

Withdrawing Funds

You should submit a withdrawal request as soon as possible, as your funds are never safe with an unregulated broker. Also, here’s when things get tough.

It doesn’t matter if you want to make money or not. They will delay the withdrawal process for several months. Also, if they wait for it for six months, you will no longer be able to file a chargeback, and your money will be better.

No matter how often you remind them or force them to withdraw your money, you will not get them back. So, if you sign a managed account agreement or MAA, which allows them to do whatever they want in your account, they will lose all your funds, so there will be nothing to ask for.

How to get your money back?

If you have deposited your money with them and they refuse to refund your money, which is very likely to happen, you don’t have to worry, and it may be one or two ways to get your money back.

First, you need to keep the emails as proof that you are requesting a refund from them, but they do not give it to you or delay the process for a long time to not refund your money.

Also, all you have to do is chargeback! And you should do it now! However, Contact your bank or credit card issuer and explain how you were deceived into depositing for a trading company.

Which is not regulated, and they refuse to refund you. It is also the easiest way to get your money back, and it hurts them the most. Because if you perform too many chargebacks, it will ruin their relationship with the payment service providers.

However, if you haven’t done this before or know how to present your case to your bank or credit card company, also, If you are unsure about this, we can help you prepare your chargeback case. Just contact us at but do not let your broker know that they have read this article or that you are contacting us

What about wires?

If you send one of these wires, there is no way to chargeback a wire, So for this step, you have to take the fight to a different level. Also, tell them you will go to the authorities and complain against them.

This will allow them to reconsider the possibility of a refund. All you can do is prepare a letter or email to the regulators. Also, It depends on the country you live in. You can do a Google search to find the regulatory body for Forex brokers in that country.

However, you can then prepare a letter or an email describing how they deceived you. Also, show them this letter or email and tell them that you will send it to the regulatory body if they do not return your money. Also, if you do not know where to start, contact us at, and we will always help you with this step.

Make sure you leave reviews about Swissinv24 on other sites.

One of the best ways to prevent them from harming you and other people is to give them bad reviews on other sites.

Also, describe what happened soon. If you are a victim, please leave a review and a comment on this site in the comments section. However, when these people change their website, they tend to call clients.

However, if they call you from a new website, please write it in the comments or contact us and let us know. Our family and we will appreciate that all over the world. Also, if you get a phone call from another company, please comment on the name of this company or send it to us. We will also expose them.


It’s a pleasure to review Swissinv24, and we hope to save as many people as possible from losing their hard-earned money. However, a best rule of thumb is to carefully review all forex companies and any other company before you make a transaction.

So we hope our Swissinv24 review has been helpful to you. Also, if you have asked any questions or need your advice on the withdrawal process, feel free to contact us at, or you can fill up this form.